Texas Two-Step Spelling

Providing Spell to Write and Read endorsed 

 training for Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana and Oklahoma



Online Seminar Dates (All Times are Central Time): 

    ZOOM link provided after registration, about a week before the seminar             

Click Below to Register

Basic ($150)—January 18, 20-21, Saturday, Monday-Tuesday 9am-4pm CST

Basic ($150)—June 9-11, Monday-Wednesday 9am-4pm CDT

Basic ($150)—July 7-9, Tuesday-Thursday 9am-4pm CDT

Basic ($150)—August 4-6, Monday-Wednesday 9am-4pm CDT

Basic ($150)—August 25-27, Monday-Wednesday 9am-4pm CDT

Basic ($150)—September 8-10, Monday-Wednesday 9am-4pm CDT

Basic ($150)—October 11, 13-14, Saturday, Monday-Tuesday 9am-4pm CDT

Basic ($150)—November 10-12, Monday-Wednesday 9am-4pm CT

Link to WISE Guide Practice & Plan, Intermediate, and Advanced Seminars

Upcoming 2025 Seminars

CPE hours for Texas Certified Teachers.

Parents and Teachers

Are your children/students struggling with spelling (don’t we all)? Are your children about to begin their academic training? Do you want a spelling curriculum that also covers penmanship, reading, composition, dictionary skills and grammar? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then the Spell to Write and Read (SWR) curriculum and seminar are for you.

"I took this class in June, and I highly recommend it! Carolyn Gibbens and Rhonda Bedee are so knowledgeable and grace-filled! If you have any hesitation about diving in to SWR, this class will equip and encourage you to fully embrace and implement SWR. Carolyn and Rhonda go above and beyond, during and after the class to serve everyone who participates in this class. They are so accessible and continue to answer my questions and give me guidance. I feel so blessed to have found them! They have completely demystified SWR for me, and we're off and rolling!"

    —Sarah F.

SWR is inexpensive. The non-consumable materials (available for purchase online or at the in-person seminars), for levels K-12, are $125.50 (+ tax). 

What would I get in the Beginning SWR Seminar?

The $150, 3-day seminar will teach you how to maximize your effectiveness and efficiency in using the curriculum.

A 16-hour introduction to the Spell to Write and Read curriculum, which includes:

• Spelling and Phonics as the foundation for writing and reading

• Lesson planning and organization of the materials

• Adaptation ideas to craft the curriculum to each individual student’s abilities and to help deter dyslexic tendencies

• Addressing the needs of home educators, classroom teachers, and tutors

• An SWR-endorsed trainer modeling how to teach, using Phonograms, Spelling Rules, and Spelling-Word Dictation

• Diagnostic assessment tools to determine where to start with your student

• A great springboard into SWR, according to many seminar attendees

Now on Twitter & Facebook

2025 Seminar Schedule

Online Seminar Dates: 

Basic ($150)—January 18, 20-21, Saturday, Monday-Tuesday 9am-4pm CST

Basic ($150)—June 9-11, Monday-Wednesday 9am-4pm CDT

Basic ($150)—July 7-9, Tuesday-Thursday 9am-4pm CDT

Basic ($150)—August 4-6, Monday-Wednesday 9am-4pm CDT

Basic ($150)—August 25-27, Monday-Wednesday 9am-4pm CDT

Basic ($150)—September 8-10, Monday-Wednesday 9am-4pm CDT

Basic ($150)—October 11, 13-14, Saturday, Monday-Tuesday 9am-4pm CDT

Basic ($150)—November 10-12, Monday-Wednesday 9am-4pm CT

                                                                         * SWR Intermediate Seminar                                                                                                          for classroom teachers and home educators. 

                                                                INTERMEDIATE covers Steps 28-40 in Spell to Write and Read, 

advanced phonograms, and rules. 

Instructor is endorsed SWR trainer Rhonda Bedee.